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Higher Education
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Chrome for Education


Intelligent Technology Solutions GOVSolve offers solutions and services to implement and utilize technology in school campuses, at both the K-12 and higher education levels. To meet exploding demand, manufacturers are actively targeting the education market by introducing new products designed to take advantage of this tremendous potential.

Digital projectors, smart boards, student-response systems, tablet PCs, wireless networks, and a host of other education-oriented technologies are transforming the classroom. Outside the classroom, Digital Signage mounted in hallways, main office areas, and the lunchroom broadcast messages and give instructions during an emergency. Point-of-sale products and smart card technology enable students to use their IDs to purchase lunch, gain admittance to sporting events, check out library books, etc. 

Let us help you diversify your education even further - join with Intelligent Technology Solutions to provide solutions for higher education.


Intelligent Technology Solutions' GOVSolve as a partners can demonstrate to schools how they can cut costs by investing in IT and do more with less. We’ll introduce them to Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) concepts such as “Green” initiatives, consolidation, virtualization, print management tools, and leasing.

Intelligent Technology Solutions' GOVSolve creates a win-win situation for our education customers by showing educators and administrators how to cut energy costs, save on printing supplies, and shift costs from depreciating assets to less-expensive overhead.



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